Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who knew I had such a beautiful garden?!

We have this big bushy tree that is right behind my deck off the living room. For the longest time we did not know what type of tree it was or if it flowered.  One of the funny perk's of buying a property before everything is flowering is that it is kind of like Christmas to me. You don't know what is going to pop up in the spring and summer. It is all a surprise!
Little did we know the beauty of all the plant's and fruit tree's all over the property.
Now back to that tree, here is what it did last week.....
The prettiest and most wonderful smelling little white flower's exploded all over this little tree, I am told by my Aunt that it is a Bitter Orange tree? She has one at her place but it is not nearly blossoming as much as mine. The sad point of it is that the blossom's are very short lived. So I have been cutting some off and putting them all over the house.
I just love this time of year. Some much beauty to see, I have flower's all over the house picked right from my property!  The little one's set up a flower stand on the weekend to sell flower's that they picked and put in jar's. It was very cute. They went to get ice cream with their profit's. We found one plant with the kiddies that smell's just like bee's wax, I am SERIOUS! It's amazing. It's the little green one's below....
On a sad note, the Lupines are all done on my road. I just love these flower's.... I loved having them all over the house.
I found a treasure at my Grandma's house the other day, a metal tub that I am pretty sure every grandbaby has played in. So on the tradition continues with babies have bath's in the family tub!
                               "I spy with my little eye and baby in the tub"- Say's Roman
I will leave you with ANOTHER set of pictures... I woke up this morning to this gorgeous sight.
I thank my blessing's every morning for getting to live in this beautiful place.
xoxo Lexylou